It’s so hot in Tennessee that birds are panting like dogs, Tennessee

COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. – How hot is it in the South? It's so hot that the birds are panting. Kimberly Morrise captured a video of birds ..."

It’s so hot in Tennessee that birds are panting like dogs
COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. – How hot is it in the South? It's so hot that the birds are panting. Kimberly Morrise captured a video of birds ...
Turning point
July 11, 2022

Video of Collierville "It’s so hot in Tennessee that birds are panting like dogs" added to our site on July 11, 2022, by Turning point.

Text description of video "It’s so hot in Tennessee that birds are panting like dogs" is COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. – How hot is it in the South? It's so hot that the birds are panting. Kimberly Morrise captured a video of birds ...

Video It’s so hot in Tennessee that birds are panting like dogs has duration 1m 16s

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It’s so hot in Tennessee that birds are panting like dogs information

Published July 11, 2022
Views 65
Duration 1m 16s
Added by Turning point